Thursday, December 13, 2007

Measure, Stir, Bake, Cool, Wrap and Repeat

One of my favorite gifts to give is something homemade from my kitchen. I have been accused of having "a need to feed". Others say I have the spiritual gift of 'feeding'. ( not a scriptural spiritual gift, of course). I know it seems odd but I get great pleasure in feeding people.

The last two weeks before Christmas I make something each night after work. Banana Bread, Pumpkin Bread, Cookies, Chex Mix, Candies, Fudge, Dipped Pretzels. All the special things I don't make during the year. A few days before Christmas I box them up and give them away. I love it! Each staff member gets a box of goodies for the car trip to relatives or a variety of things they can use to entertain their family and friends who are coming to their house for Christmas.

The hardest part is keeping Mark out of the supply. He says everything must be taste tested. I have learned that the quicker it hits the freezer, the more I can save. Don't worry... he and all my children get their fair share when our family is all together. A tremendous amount of food goes through our kitchen in a short span of time. It is down right shameful!

It is the gift from the hands and heart that thrill me most. No store can begin to compare to the love in a hand made gift. It is a piece of yourself. A sacrifice. Not a huge present, but something small. This also describes Christ. He was handmade by God himself. Given from a love for sinful man. A true sacrifice. Not a full grown man but a small baby. What an amazing God we serve! The ultimate gift giver.

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